I made a quick call to The Needler yesterday, one of the lys' in the area, to put the pattern on hold and as soon as I got off work I drove over to Lexington to pick it up. I cast on this morning while taking a break at work with Plymouth Mushishi from the stash.
I was tempted to buy the Liberty Wool used in the pattern but I resisted. I'm not sure that I would have been able to hold out if they had more colors available but I'm pleased with the way the Mushishi is knitting up.
I restarted the Drip Candle socks over 72 stitches and the fit is perfect. I'm back to my original ending place with the first sock and have decided to use 8 colors instead of trying to use all of the colors in the bag. I'm saving those for the next pair and will need to knit some socks with more contrasting colors before I use them.
My mom has a friend who suffered some nerve damage to one of his hands and now has a problem with it being cold and hurting. I'm making a pair of fingerless mitts for him from Knits Men Want. I was almost finished with the first one when I realized that it was going to be to big in the Ultra Alpaca I was using. His hand is the same size as mine so at least I have a good guide to go by.
I finished the foot of my test knitting while I was in Greenville so now I need to buckle down and get the rest of the sock done. This is the first time I've test knitted for someone and it has been a pleasing and interesting experience. It has given me a great appreciation of pattern writing. I only wish more people were conscientious about getting their patterns properly tested before releasing them to the public.
1 comment:
Here here with the pattern comments i too appreciate a perfectly written pattern. Mostly because I am so nervous to go out of the box or think big, when I am reading and following a pattern. Low pattern confidence here!
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