There was much shopping but very little knitting. We went shopping after realizing I had left the blender at home and found the neatest personal blender by Hamilton Beach. Once the blue coconut coladas starting flowing any hope of knittng was pretty much over.

I am determined to have these finished before Halloween given the fact that I'm well past the 2/3's mark. I've made it to the patterned portion which goes pretty fast so this isn't and unrealistic goal. I've also started back on the Swallowtail and I am on the second Lily of the Valley section. Tomorrow afternoon I leave for SAFF. I'm going over on Saturday and will probably head up to Hendersonville for apples.
This is my first SAFF and due to the move the main thing I'm looking for is drop spindles. I'm desperately trying to hold off on purchasing any fibery goodness and since the neck and shoulder have been holding up pretty well for the most part it may be time to get out the spinning goodies after the holiday knitting is over.
I LOVE those Clemson orange socks! Enjoy your trip to SAFF and make sure you get some Mutsu apples!
Coladas, yumn! I hate that I didn't get to go to SAFF this year, but maybe next year. Have fun and be safe.
Hi Beverly,
It was great meeting you at SAFF. I look forward to keeping up with your fiber pursuits. Your knitting is awesome, especially your shawls.
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