Pattern: Slipped-Stitch Rib Socks
Yarn: Red Heart Heart and Sole with Aloe Spring Stripe
Needles: 1 US dpn's for body of sock & 00 dpn's for picot edge
Size: 9.5
Started: February 2, 2009 Finished: March 12, 2009
I received a package from Knit-Purl that made me smile. My rainbow Kauni that had been on back order arrived Tuesday. I feared that I may not have enough for doing the color repeats so I order some more of this color and the pastel that I ordered for mom. I'd rather err on the side of caution and have too much than risk not having enough once I get started.
Spring has sprung in these parts. The daffodils are in bloom and the tulips are beginning to poke their heads up. On the way to my car after work I saw the flowers beginning to form on the dogwoods. As I've said many times before, this time of year always makes me glad that I live in the south. It is absolutely gorgeous when all the flowers are in bloom.
I love to look at Kauni yarn. I'm with you and rather have yarn left over, than not enough. What's that now, Spring has sprung? Not here, it fooled me in believing it's coming, and wham, more snow and freezing temps. Oh well, can't be off for too long, just not possible. :o)
#1 I am jealous that your spring has arrived, but also happy for you. Is that possible. It is.
#2 Those socks so nearly match, I wouldn't even have blinked. You are meticulous my friend.
#3 Kauni is lovely. I'll look into it!
The socks are pretty.
We had a lovely spring day today, too. I even had time to sit and knit after doing some not really spring cleaning. Your socks, I already commented on Rav (mamanak) but wanted to say I LOVE mismatched socks. The more oddball the better. Beautiful socks. I'm sorry to hear that there were knots in them though. :( That's always frustrating.
Ok, you need a follow me or subscribe button!
Woohoo I'm your first stalker..I mean follower! It's just so much easier to sub to a blog through the follow button when you are on blogger. Thanks for adding it!
I was wondering how that Red Heart sock yarn knit up. Thanks for the info.
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