I'm taking a much needed break from the shawl and this projects rhythmic progression of stockinette stitch is just the ticket.
I'm in the process of catching things up and would like to recognize the following as a

Donna of Confessions of a Yarnaholic. Whom I met by chance and has the most creative crafting families I've ever met.
Theresa of Knitting Nonpareil who keeps us entertained with photos and stories about her grands. Are you moved in?
Stash expeditioneer Yargineer whom is a member of the wonderful SC Knitting Guild in Greenville and was a very patient chaffeur for a few of us at the knit-in.
Not five as the others I wanted to list have have already been nominated. A toast to all "Rockin' Girl Bloggers."
First...OH MY GOSH! ME?? Thank you for the RGB recognition. That's really cool.
Second, that little baby sweater is so cute. It does seem like the perfect break from knitting lace.
That lace piece is quite the mistress! Knitting for a baby sounds like just the right thing for a nice breatk.
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