Everything is blooming early. Our gladiolas are up and will bloom in April instead of May. The dogwoods are blooming as are the azaleas. It seems that the rather warm winter has aided the profusion of blooms.
I have been working on my weekly and monthly goals. I've found that setting goals and having a plan to do them helps me tremendously. Most of the items I've completed have been the smaller knits such as hats and socks. A lot of the knitting and time has gone into working on the Master Knitter Level II program. I seem to be more focused finally and if all continues as planned I'd like to submit it in June.
Working this program is a great way to learn knew things. The first swatches have you demonstrate your knowledge of seaming 3 different knit fabrics and I am failing miserably at seaming reverse stockinette. The upside is that once I get it down pat I can put together my Noro vest that I started in January. I've also been sharing my knowledge with my knitting guild, the Palmetto Purlers, in our monthly programs. These are just a few of the 20+ swatches required. All of the seaming techniques require 2 swatches.
And then there's March Madness. I've been watching basketball almost non-stop. I watch both men's and women's games so it's safe to say that there have been some long nights around here. I love it when it gets down to the elite eight because most of those games are during regular viewing hours. Some of the games have been very exciting and others have been blowouts. My only favorite is Baylor women.
In other news, I had problems for month with my left leg below the knee and finally found out after almost a year of pain that I have patellar tendonitis. It is now much better but I took a bad fall a few weeks ago and after severe continued pain an MRI revealed that I had a tear in the left tendon attached to my pubic bone. I found this out Friday morning and to make matters worse I also developed pain and clicking in my left thumb and found out that afternoon that I have trigger finger. This has been a rough 3 months and being unable to exercise for such an extended period has resulted in my gaining back all the weight I had lost. I can't wait to get back into the gym and get moving again.
There has been a lot going on around here but things are finally looking up so I'm going to keep looking on the sunny side. I have some finished knits that I need to post but since I still havent' photographed them I'll save that for another day. Happy Knitting and enjoy this great spring weather!
wow, master knitter! that's quite the investment of time but a nice certification of your talent. good luck!
sorry to hear about your leg and your hand. yikes! i hope you get some relief soon.
How are we going to celebrate your Master Knitter status???
SO sorry about your knee. Don't let the weight thing get you down. As for trigger finger.....well stay away from water pistols!
Wow, cool that you are on your way to be a Master Knitter!
I'm glad they finally found out what was causing the pain, and I hope you'll feet better soon!
Too bad about your weight gain. I hope you'll be able to move again soon!
Blogger decided to kill my old blog so started a new one (boohoo).
Sometime if you can might change to new one.
Congrats Master Knitter.
Oh my goodness Beverly
Flash flooding frightens me so
Glad you are safe!
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