This final week of December has been an interesting one. We had snow on Sunday. This the first time that I can recall having snow in Columbia in December that accumulated. Two little boys had spent Christmas night with us and had a treat waiting for them the next morning. They hung out with their Aunt Stephanie.
I'm finishing the last hat of the year. This one in particular has been languishing since March when the weather suddenly turned warm and stayed that way. Later this evening I'll block 3 to add to the house hat basket.
I spent 3 of my days off straightening the craft room and can now walk in there without flinching. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that in the new year.
I requested and received the most recent update of the TKGA Master Knitting Level II instructions. If things get quiet around here it will be because I'm finally going to take the time to complete and submit my Level II package in 2011.
I'm not making any resolutions but I plan to knit exclusively from stash. I can no longer justify buying more yarn given the quantity and quality that I already have on hand. This will be one of the hardest task for me.
Two Sundays ago I signed up for a church sponsored 12 week health and fitness program. I have to work extra hard this year at losing weight and getting in better shape. What I've been doing is not working and my weight has steadily climbed. I no longer feel comfortable and at times I struggle to do things so it is my responsibility to remedy the situation.
It's nearing that time when we welcome the new year so to all of you may you have ...
A blessed, healthy, happy and prosperous NEW YEAR!!!
So happy to call you my blogfriend. Here's to a wonderful knit year together again Bev. I hope you get your Master Knitter. you certainly are of that level anyhow!
Good luck to you!
I agree, you had a very productive year. here's wishing you a Happy New Year 2011♥
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