Two or them are night owls and most of the time I was asleep before they were. Mind you Isaiah is 5, Gina is 7 and Jaylon is 10 which means they were a handful. We loved having them but when I came home from work Friday I was glad to enter a quiet house. The sad part is that we were so busy chasing and entertaining them that no one took pictures. Stephanie had them out and occupied during the day and when I got home I didn't think about it.
I cast on another pair of socks. They are the Burning Stripes available at 3 Sleeves to the Wind and on Ravelry.
After an initial problem with the start of the sock I'm sailing right along. These are for my mom and I'm using Crazy Zauberball for the contrast and Regia 4fadig for the main color. The repeats are so long that I may end up with one sock mostly one color. Disappointing, yes, but I'm going to see if I can knit four socks out of this one ball and mix the stripes that way. This pattern has some cool techniques especially the heel so I don't find it boring at all.
My guild, the Palmetto Purlers is doing a beaded scarf KAL. Guild member Millie is our host and instructor.
I'm almost halfway through but have run out of beads. I found one more tube at AC Moore so I'm waiting until more come in before I string these and continue. The pattern calls for us to knit to halves and use a three-needle bind off to join but I'm going to knit to the end and bind off to match the beginning.
My fair entry slips arrived last week. I still have yet to decide what and if I'm going to enter. Because I'm unsure of what I'll do I registered for a lot of categories. People don't realize that it takes a lot of work to enter. You want to be sure that your knitting and seaming is as perfect as it can be. I have a little over two months before entries are do so there is still time to get some things done if I decide to do so.
Both projects are looking great.
Whoa, you're good to take in the kiddos! It makes me tired just thinking of it. Fun though. My niece and nephews are on the other side of the country and globe, so I don't get to romp with them enough.
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