I was easily seduced by the abundance of yarn, patterns and other knitting-related goods. The fact that I was traveling with the great enabler aka Mom didn't help the situation. My favorite purchase is the yarn bowl. I put it to use immediately in the hotel that Saturday night.
We met up with two of our Palmetto Purlers, Millie and Brenda, and some of our Greenville knitting guild friends. Needless to say we had a blast. I also took a continental knitting market session and have been practicing regular since then. I was having a problem with the purl and tension but have worked both of those out since then.
Shirley Paden the author of Knitting Design Workshop is doing an online workshop in the form of a KAL for her Ravelry group. She gave us a stitch pattern which we are to use as the basis for a sweater or scarf. I've elected to do the sweater and this weekend did my swatch.
It is Circles and Butterflies. I'm using Katia Austral from the stash in a nice rose color. I bought this when it was discountinued at my lys several years ago. I've been waiting for the right project and this is it. I still need to have my measurements taken so that I will be ready for the next session in which will be calculating all the parts of the sweater based on our individual measurements. I'm really excited about these workshops and hope that I can use them to work up some of the yarns I have in the stash for which I haven't been able to find that perfect pattern.
I'm so close to finishing the Summit Shawl.
It seems that I'm never going to finish the little ball that is left. I haven't been working on it regularly or anything else for that matter. I've been trying to bring some order to the craft room. It was out of control before I went to Stitches. In order to tame some the of the chaos, I created kits using the yarn already stashed and some that was acquired prior to Stitches (couldn't resist the Webs sale). There are sweater, sock and shawl kits. I like the idea of just walking in and picking something out of one of the bins to work on. I was getting overwhelmed and I think this will eliminate some of that.
You had Stitches and we had MSWF. I also made a small list and went over my budget. Now it's time to seriously get down and do some knitting♥ I love your summit and fell in love with it after seeing it this past weekend. I can't wait to cast on for it. Thanks for mentioning the KAL for Shirley Paden's ravelry group. I hadn't heard about it.
What a wonderful haul! Sounds like you had such a good time.
What cool stuff. I need to find out more about that socks book. It really look interesting.
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