I've never had this much Koigu in my possession at one time. Of the colors I purchased two where really suitable for my Charlotte's Web shawl. One had more green and the other is a darker variation of the color I used for the fourth color change. I used the latter and am now debating as to how I shall finish it. This was a stash project until I needed an additional color. With all that Koigu calling for a new home I couldn't help myself!
Margaret Fisher taught Brioche knitting in her workshop "A Sampling of Stitches". I fell in love with the stitches and purchased Nancy Marchant's Knitting Brioche. In addition to containing a wealth of stitch patterns it also contains some beautiful projects.
Webs is having their Anniversary sale. I purchased yarn for two Brioche Knitting patterns and ChicKnits.com Cerisara. I received the announcement of the new Cerisara pattern by e-mail and immediately purchased it. The pattern has a three-quarter and sleeveless version. It is an open front cardigan with lace yoke accent. You can allow it to hang open or close it with a decorative closure. I will make both versions.
I am also working on Nina from the Debbie Bliss Prima Collection. I'm using Cotton Cashmere from the stash. My original goal was to knit a skein a day. At that rate it would have taken me 11 days to complete the actual knitting. Due to the arrival of the extra Koigu I've deviated from that schedule but I plan to pick back up this week when the shawl is finished. Since it is stockinette it will be my main travel project.
I've been giving serious consideration to changing my knitting plan. I typically knit heavier weight garments during the fall/winter and lighter weight garments in the spring/summer. This year I'm planning to knit more heavy garments during the summmer and vice versa. I hoping that this will allow me to get more use out of the seasonal garments. Since it gets so hot down here I'm not sure how this will work out but I'm willing to give it a try.
March Madness is almost over which means a significant portion of my life will get back to normal. I'm going to miss the games but there is a lot that I need to get done. It's time for spring cleaning and planting the vegetables. The latter may have to wait until more of our yellow-green storm (pollen) calms down.
Taking a note from some other Ravelers and bloggers I have started creating project bags. I'm sure this will help in the stash management. Since a lot of my yarn is in sweater size amounts I've started looking for patterns that will match the yarn and recording the info. The plan is that this will aid me in deciding what to make since I will know in advance what pattern to use. The jury will be out on this for a while so I'll have to see how it goes. In the meantime I'm going to work on finishing current projects and wips.
If you haven't already checked out the new Knitty. The Summit. This is a genius pattern. I have already ordered and received the yarn and cast on this pattern. I opted for the exact yarn used in the pattern Tess' Designer Yarns Raw Silk. At first I thought I wouldn't like it. The colors didn't appear to be what I wanted but once I started knitting I see that it is perfect.
It is truly great to live in an era of such inspired knitting.
Wao what a beautiful yarn and its looking so nice. thanks for sharing with us...
I have Koigu stashed away for just the perfect pattern. I've forgotten until I say your beautiful yarn! :o)
I've got Knitting Brioche book too, and love to look through it again, and again. It's a wonderful book, and soon I'll actually knit something from it. :o)
Ooh, I am green with envy looking at all that Koigu!
here here
I couldn't agree with you more.
and that Koigu......what an inspriation
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