I didn't finish all the scarves but the brothers were pleased anyway. I ordered a beading kit to make mom's gift and when it hadn't been shipped out after a week I was afraid that it wouldn't arrive in time. The mailperson delivered it on the 23rd and I finished it the morning of the 24th. I would have finished it on the first day if I hadn't started so late and wasn't doing other things. The kit is the Circle of Circe (which is no longer listed) from Earthfaire.
She loves it and put it on as soon as she opened it on Christmas day. I must say I'm a little envious because it is truly gorgeous but as always she'll let me borrow it.
I gifted four of the beaded bracelets and everyone loved them. I'm glad that I made them for specific people otherwise it would have been hard for me to give them away.
One of lys' in the area, The Needler, had their after Christmas sale on the 26th. I purchased a Halo sweater kit by Jojoland, enough Berroco Lustra for a sweater and found a closer source of the Kreinik Metallic Braids that are used in the bracelets. Now I need to find a source for the Silk Serica used in the necklace. I'm already assembling beads to make a kit so that I can knit another one.
Once again we will be hosting a New Year's Eve get together. I kinda thought I had gotten out of it this year since I do all of the food preparation but when mom asked me for the grocery list I knew what was coming. It will be a fun time and I'll be taking it easy on New Year's day.
I haven't made any resolutions but I'm going to try to buy less yarn and knit more especially for me. I didn't do much charity knitting in '09 some I'm going to try and up that also. In other words I hope to have a very knitterly 2010.
Your mother's gift is really lovely. Just stunning. How on earth did you make it so fast?
I love your Jojo land choice. I have no doubt you will knit it up beautifully.
I have no resolutions yet.... but I'll bet I will by New Years. I am off eve and day this year. wahoo
Happy New Year!!!! I was just admiring all your FO's for 2009. Quite impressive♥ you are an excellent beader! I am making my resolution the same as yours, buy less and knit more
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