Pattern: February Sweater for a Lady by Flintknits
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Merino Aran
Needles: 8 and 10.5 circulars
Size: XL
Started: August 1, 2008 Finished: October 4, 2008
At first I was hating this pattern because of the garter stitch. Once I got past that portion I found it a pure joy. I did have to start over once because my counts were off. I doubt that I will make this again, I rarely do, but I love the way it turned out and it fits and flatters her so well.
I'm currently working on a pair of generic toe-up socks in Mountain Colors Bearfoot Ruby River for mom while I contemplate my next sweater.
The weather has been perfect for wool socks and I've been mighty slack in making any new pairs for both of us so I'm trying to knock out a few.
Yesterday afternoon I finally broke down and got a new cell phone. My phone was so old that it wasn't a flip and didn't have camera. It's been a constant joke with the family. For some strange reason I tend to hang onto my phones until they are no longer supported. I had to get rid of my last phone when the phone company notified me that they wouldn't support it any more because it was analog. As an IT person you would think that I'd be up on things but when it come to phones, NOT!
I got an LG Shine and even though I'm pleased with it, I'm considering returning it and getting an iPhone. I don't generally get that much use out of a cell which is the main reason I didn't get it to start with. I already have a Palm T|X loaded with apps which is the main reason I didn't get it initially. If you have an iPhone, let me know if you love it and why.
Great job on the sweater. Love it in red.
A pretty sweater on a pretty lady. Beautiful work, as always!
I love the sweater! I really dislike garter stitch, but I have to admit, it looks good here. And your mother looks great in red.
I have an LGShine. I just hate the whole phone thing, so whenever my husband gets rid of an old phone, I usually inherit it. This time he went out and got me this one. But yes, I would LOVE an iPhone, too. I mentioned this to him, and I think he almost fainted. I'm so non-phone!!
it's gorgeous,, both FLS and your mother! great color choice. I want a Iphone too!
Beverly, I nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award. Love that sweater and it looks great on your Mom.
The sweater looks gorgeous on your mom!! (PS. Please tell her hi for me!)
Love the reds! That beautiful sweater looks perfect for your mother!
Mom looks wonderful in the sweater. What a color. Lovely and elegant. You knit wonderful sweaters Bev. I hope to some day as well.
The sweater is lovely!
I have had my iPhone for 1 1/2 years and I love it! I gave away my ipod and use it for music, it's my alarm clock, calendar, address book, and, oh, yes, phone. I read books, check email, the news, the weather. And, of course, lots of Sudoku.
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