It's harder than I thought it would be to part with this shawl. The fact that it will be raffled off to support two good causes for the Ladies of Auxillary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars makes it more special.
1. Operation Uplink which provides phone cards for our service men and women.
2. Cancer aid and research.
Pattern: Chatelaine Shawl designed by Beverly
Sources: Chatelaine - Charted Knitting Designs - A Third Treasury of Knitting Patterns by Barbara Walker
The Brand Iron Edging - Heirloom Knitting by Sharon Miller
Yarn: JaggerSpun Zephyr 2/18 in Real Red
Started: July 8, 2007
Finished: October 1, 2007
Modeled by the most wonderful mom in the world!
The shawl is stunning, and your mother makes a great model.
I visit regularly just haven't posted. I must tell you I love that shawl. The color is so vibrant. It's a good thing you are doing to help out others.
It's HUGE, it's beautiful! Wow, I was not prepared for this. One rarely sees a shawl in such a vibrant color. Very well done! ;o)
Wow! Simply gorgeous! You did an amazing job!
my jaw is on the floor!
Do you need another Mom, maybe by proxy, step Mom friend from Ravelry, or whatever. Shawl is incredibly beautiful. Nice job.
List Mom on Monstersocks group on Ravelry
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