I usually carry my large knitting bag at all times and depending on where I am, I'll either take the entire bage or pull out a project bag and take it in with me. Lately it seems that even if I have a sweater in the bag I'll usually work on socks which are always packed.
Today I completed the upgrade.
The pattern is McCall's M4884 by sewing with Nancy in red and gold brocade from Hancock Fabrics lined with gold print cotton. While the execution is far from perfect, I haven't sewn in years and it's showing, I'm excited to have sat down at the sewing machine once again and made something. It's packed with the three pairs I'm currently working on and the essentials. It'll seem a little strange the next few days not toting the big heavy bag to work everyday, but my shoulder, back and neck will be grateful.
One of my nieces asked for a lap quilt a while back so I'm thinking that might be my next project. I also purchased some black brocade fabric at the same time for a sock bag for mom. These days she rarely knits and in retrospect I'm realizing that it might not have been a good idea. It's hard for me not to include her when I start thinking about making or doing something knitting-related. However, it's something I'm going to have to work on since she doesn't seem to have that much of an interest in most things craft-related anymore.
Yesterday I hosted several knitter's from the guild for a small knit 'n sit at my house. The food was great and the company fantastic! I truly wish I could muster the energy and time to do things of this sort more often.
What a beautiful sock bag. It could double as your evening out bag!
Oh, what a beautiful bag! It must be big, since you can put 3 sock projects in it. It's a shame about your mom. I got mine to knit at least some simple scarves again, after at least 30 years of not knitting (she used to knit sweaters for the whole family), she's enjoying it once more.
Can imagine how nice the get together must have been!
The sock bag is gorgeous!
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