It was a pleasant journey in which I learned quite a bit. I don't think I'll be as hesitant to step out and try my hand at designing sweaters in the future. This was a terrific confidence booster after the debacle with The Promise of Spring Sweater. The next stop on the sweater design train is set-in sleeves.
I'll give the full specs on the sweater once I've blocked it. Mom is very pleased even though she may not get to wear it until the fall since the weather here has taken a delicious turn toward spring.
I also managed to finish one of the many pairs of socks that are on the needles. This is my first pair of CTH socks and I'm anxious to see how they hold up. Mom's pair has already fuzzed and shrunk some, but she treats hers a lot more harshly than I do so I'll reserve judgement.
Pattern: Easy Toe, YO Short-Row Heel Toe-Up Socks (Isn't that a mouthful!)
Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Supersock Merino in Champlain Sunset
Needles: 1 US Inox dpn's for body of sock, 0 US Inox dpn's for ribbing
Size: Women's size 9 1/2
Started: November 1, 2006 Finished: February 26, 2007
As always, beautiful!!
Carnival time is wonderful. Just marvelous. What a great knit. And I am thinking spring yarns right now too!
What a beautiful cardigan! And the socks too! Lovely colorway.
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