I finally started one of the sleeves for Gisha. I figured that since I only have 2 skeins of yarn left I'd at least see if 1 skein will make a sleeve. In preparation for the soon to come failure, I went ahead and did the 3-needle bind off on the shoulders.

(Pay no attention to lp's in the background. Yes, I have a turntable and still play them.)
I usually block and leave the stitches on holders. If the sleeves don't pan out, I'm even closer to the finish line. Which leaves me with the next dilemma. I haven't a clue as to what to make next.
The flower show continues and looks like it will continue on through the May. Some of the daylilies are beginning to bud and should start flowering soon. Luckily most of the plants are out of the construction zone.
Mom brought the amaryllis back from a trip to Houma, LA a few years back. They remind me of candy canes, candystripers; I was one very briefly, and peppermint balls.

After I finish my Mothers Day shawl for my mom, I too don't know what to do next. Hmmmmm. I want a summer shell I think.....
I was a candy striper eons ago! Worst part: the day I had to carry a stool sample down to the lab.
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